
A couple of years ago a friend of mine in the art history department at Yale told me she had just been introduced to Albers at a college fellows lunch. I said to her: ‘What? That’s impossible.’ She said: ‘No, no, it was definitely him. Very old German guy with silver hair, Josef Albers.’ I said: ‘No, you don’t understand. He’s been dead for 25 years – look, I’ll show you a picture of him.’ I found an old catalogue with his portrait on the back page. She said: ‘Yes, that’s him, Josef Albers. He was very friendly, and it was definitely him.’ (Paul Elliman)

The first edition of this Ouija board was made by Paul Elliman while professor in design at Yale University in the early 2000s and developed from a desire to contact Josef Albers directly. The words YES and NO were added to an Albers-designed modular stencil typeface from 1926 and turned into a kind of Ouija board. In reference to the Albers workshops at that time in the Bauhaus glass studio, the Abyme YES, NO, DON’T KNOW edition is cut into a 16in. square glass panel. Read a note on the edition by Paul, in the Revue here.

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Photography Philippe Fragnière